The database contains a library of interventions used across pathway, care plans and CoSteps. Interventions can be used as the entry point to display one or more of the following: outcomes, patient education tools, instructions, and associated assessments or groups of assessments.
Attributes 1. Intervention Type: ‘Surveillance’, ‘Treatment, Procedure’, ‘Teaching, Guidance and Counseling’, ‘Care Management’ and ‘Other’. 2. Disease Management Level: Safety, Disease Control, Health Promotion. 3. Primary parent intervention: controls assessment display on reports where an assessment question may belong to many interventions (assessment categories) but should only be listed once on the report. 4. Chained Interventions are higher level interventions linked together by the intervention ID. Eventium Interventions are mapped to the following data types as applicable:
- Problems/Care Focus
- Outcomes
- Goals
- Patient Education Tools
- Clinician Support Documents or URLs
- Orders
- Evidence
- Transitional Care
- G-Tabs (Medicare CoPs)
- Other Payer requirements, Accrediting Body requirements, HHQI Process Indicators, etc.