Heart Failure



For a Heart Failure patient and their loved ones, the diagnosis of Heart Failure can be overwhelming. But getting the right information can ease anxieties and make it simpler. The Heart Failure Step by Step booklet is a well-organized, easy to read booklet for patients and their families struggling to understand how to deal with this chronic disease.

This 25 page booklet is based on the nationally recognized AHCPR Clinical Practice Guidelines for Heart Failure. It is divided into 10 steps that discuss the essentials of Heart Failure management in friendly and easy to understand material. Complex clinical terms are explained using everyday language. It addresses all of the important components of Heart Failure self-management including low sodium diets, activity tips, safety precautions, tests/treatments, psychosocial issues and community resources. Information and advice are offered on many of the common questions patients and families ask their doctor. The Heart Failure Step by Step booklet will improve patient outcomes and reduce acute care hospitalization!

This booklet is written in English.

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